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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Selling is a skill. It's also something that we can do without feeling bad about ourselves. But what if selling God's way means more than simply being a good salesperson? What if selling God's way means turning away from the fear, selfishness and greed that often come with being in business? Then let me tell you how to sell God's way—with integrity!

Don't sell from a place of fear.

Don't be afraid to be yourself. You should be confident about your product and yourself, but if you are fearful or don't have faith in what you're doing, it will show through in your voice, attitude and overall demeanor. 

Instead of being afraid that people won't want what you have to offer them because they'll think it's too good to be true or that there must be something wrong with it (or even worse, because they don't like salespeople), know that everything God gives us is good enough for everyone else too!

Put your faith in God! If we put our faith in people instead of God then we tend to rely on others' opinions rather than His plan for our lives. When selling anything—whether it is ourselves or an idea—you want things done right? 

When we put our trust into another person's hands without first consulting with God Himself then He has no way of knowing who's best suited for what job needs doing before us: whether it's selling ourselves as an individual or promoting whatever product/service we may offer up front at parties etcetera...

Don't be afraid to be yourself.

It's important to remember that you are a unique person. God has created each of us differently, and we all have our own distinct personalities and quirks. So don't be afraid of rejection if someone doesn't seem interested in what you're selling: it's not because your product is bad or anything like that; it's just because people are different! 

If someone is uninterested in learning about what you believe, don't take it personally. Instead, think about how you can best explain your beliefs so they'll resonate with the person who raised their hand earlier than with anyone else—and don't forget to keep practicing until then!

Put your faith in God.

The first step to selling God's way is putting your faith in God. You have to believe that He will help you succeed, and that He wants you to make money. If you don't believe these things, then it's going to be very hard for us moving forward with the rest of this article. So if you don't believe in yourself or God right now, then I suggest taking some time out and thinking about it before continuing with these steps.

God can do great things when we put our trust in Him! And even though we might not understand why something is happening at the moment--we'll get there! Just trust God!

Believing in yourself is another important step towards selling God's way. When someone tells me they want me as their sales management consultant, I always ask them if they can do what it takes? After all--I am here because I know how difficult this position can be sometimes (especially when dealing with people).

You can sell with integrity by putting your faith in God and not being afraid to be yourself

In order to sell with integrity, you can't be afraid to be yourself. You have to believe in your product and offer it with confidence. God is the ultimate salesperson because He believes in His product—you! God loves you so much that He wants to give you everything that He has, but if you aren't open to receiving it, how will He be able to give?

You might think of selling as lying or cheating people into buying things they don't need or want, but when we sell something from our heart and with the intention of giving it away freely without expecting anything back (like God), we are sharing the love of Christ with others.

It's important not only for your integrity as a person but also for other Christians around you who see what kind of person they want their children to become—"I'm going places!"


So, it's simple. When you sell God's way, you put your faith in Him and let Him lead the way. You are honest with yourself and others about what you can do for them because of your relationship with God. And you treat everyone with respect and love because they deserve it just as much as anyone else does!