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Sunday, May 26, 2019

If you're thinking about starting a business, you might be wondering if it's the right time. The truth is: it's never the wrong time to launch a company. And if you're wondering how to go about launching your own company and getting others to invest in it, here are some tips for finding God's will and making sure that He has given his approval on your enterprise before you begin!

It's About Your Heart

Sometimes, the reason we have to get a job is because we don't have money. Sometimes, the reason we have to get a job is because we can't find our passion in life.

But sometimes, it's not about money or our passions at all—sometimes it's about what's best for us as individuals. When God has something in mind for your heart and your future, He'll make sure that you hear His voice loud and clear—even if He has to give you some tough love along the way!

It's About God's Plan

It's only when we understand the importance of God that we can make any sense of our lives. Our lives are not about us, but about Him. It's not about what we want or think or feel, it's about His plan for us and what He wants to do through us. So if you're going to start a business, it needs to be according'to His purpose and timing for your life—not yours alone!

It's About Your Motives

One of the most important things to remember when starting a business is that it's not just about the money—it's about your motives.

What are you doing this for? If your motivation is just money and fame, then it will probably never be enough. But if you're motivated by something more intrinsic, like fulfilling your calling in life or helping people in need, then there's plenty of room for growth.

Don't start a business without Gods permission

Don't start a business without God's permission.

God is the ultimate controller of everything that happens in your life, including your business. His plan is more important than your business plan, goals and ideas. Many entrepreneurs have tried to get ahead of God’s divine plan only to discover that they have failed miserably and lost everything they worked so hard for.

As an entrepreneur you need to learn how to recognize the signs of God’s will in order not make fatal mistakes such as starting something without His permission or blessing because it might lead you away from Him instead of towards Him.

When it comes to your business, don't start it without God's permission. You need to make sure that you're doing what's right for the people involved, and if it's not in line with God's principles then it won't be successful. Don't let pride get in your way - ask yourself how this will affect other people before making any decisions!


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