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Monday, October 12, 2020

It's easy to feel like you're missing out on life when you're single. You see other people with partners, or in relationships, and want that for yourself. 

But here's the thing: being single doesn't have to be a bad thing! In fact, there are many ways to live a happy and healthy life as an unattached individual. Here are some tips on how to do just that:

Don't let your life revolve around dating.

You should be able to do all the things that interest you, even if you're single. If your current reality is that of a person who enjoys swimming and hiking, for example, and you feel like those are things that are out of reach because you don't have a partner to do them with—then maybe it's time to reevaluate what it means to be happy and fulfilled in life.

A similar idea applies if being single bothers or stresses you out: instead of focusing on trying to find someone who will make your life better (which might not happen anyway), try focusing on improving yourself as an individual first. In other words: focus on being the best version of yourself possible regardless of whether or not others want to join in on taking care of themselves too.

Do things you love doing.

You might think I'm going to tell you that it's okay to do things that don't make sense, are risky, or silly. You'd be right! But the most important thing is to do things you love doing. If you're not enjoying yourself—and if the activity doesn't bring value and meaning into your life—don't do it.

I've found that what makes me feel more alive than anything else is being surrounded by nature, so when I can get out into nature for a hike or swim in a nearby lake, my spirits lift and I feel energized for days afterwards. 

The same goes for enjoying good food with like-minded friends; it's one of my favorite pastimes and always brings lasting happiness when shared company comes together around something delicious!

Find friends who will be there for you and good company.

Finding friends who are supportive is a good idea for all of us, but especially for singles. They can be a source of help and encouragement when you're feeling down, especially if they're on the same wavelength as you. If you're having trouble finding friends, try joining a club or society that interests you.

Be okay with not having a boo all the time.

Being single doesn't mean being lonely.

The media has made it seem like there's something wrong with being single, but I promise you that isn't the case. You are not less of a person because you don't have someone who wants to be your partner, and other people will respect you more if they see how comfortable you are with yourself and your life. Don't compare yourself to other people's relationships—they're all different and none of them are right or wrong.

One way to help yourself get through times when loneliness creeps in is by going out with friends as much as possible! Going out with a group can help alleviate any feelings of isolation or loneliness because everyone is focused on having a good time rather than talking about their significant others (or lack thereof). Plus, getting out helps keep our minds active so we feel less trapped by boredom during the weekdays when most of us have jobs instead of school or internships!

You can also join local meetup groups based around activities that interest you: whether it's attending concerts at art museums or volunteering at soup kitchens every Saturday afternoon, there'll always be something nearby for every type of person looking for an activity partner without any pressure from anyone else involved except themselves.-

You can be happy as a single person.

You can be happy as a single person.

You can have fun without a partner.

You can be happy with yourself, right now, in this moment, even if you're not in a relationship.

The key to being happy is believing that you deserve it and committing to taking care of yourself and your needs by setting boundaries and practicing self-care every day (more on these later).


So, to all the single people out there: don't feel like you need to be dating someone in order to have a happy life. You can be, and we want you to know that we've got your back, no matter what!


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