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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I'm sure you've heard about the corona virus and how it's wreaking havoc on schoolchildren all over the country. But have you thought about what this means for God? Does he expect this sort of thing to happen? Does he have an opinion on it? Well, my friend, I have an answer for you.

God is not surprised by the corona virus or anything that happens in this world.

God knows about corona and He has a plan for it all. We can trust Him to take care of us and all those around us.

Read the book of Jeremiah.

Jeremiah was a prophet who lived during the destruction of Jerusalem. In his book, he tells us that God is not surprised by events like this.

Jeremiah was an important person in Judah because he had a message from God: God said that if they did not repent and turn back to Him, then He would destroy them (Jeremiah 7:1-15). The people didn't listen to Jeremiah's message and so they were destroyed.

Jeremiah says that the terrible things around us are a result of mankind turning away from God and following its own gods, doing what they thought was right in their own eyes.

It’s easy to get frustrated and angry at God when terrible things happen. But Jeremiah says that the terrible things around us are a result of mankind turning away from God and following its own gods, doing what they thought was right in their own eyes.

God is not surprised by the corona virus or any other calamity because He knows what will happen before it does. He sees all things and he hears every word we speak, but He doesn't try to control us like puppets on strings—instead, He allows us free will so we can choose whether or not to obey Him.

God isn’t surprised by anything; good or bad, He has planned for it all!


God is not surprised by the corona virus or anything that happens in this world. He has seen it all before and will see it all again. But don’t forget that what we do here on earth matters, because God wants us to live as his children and follow him in everything we do. 

Even when bad things happen, like this horrible disease spreading across America right now, we can still turn to God for comfort and strength because he knows how hard life can be sometimes—and how important it is to stay strong even when it seems impossible.


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