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Friday, August 02, 2024

In life, we often come across people who seem very friendly and kind on the outside but act very differently when we’re not around. These are the people known as “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” They pretend to be good and trustworthy, but underneath, they can be deceitful and harmful. Understanding how to deal with them can help us protect ourselves and maintain healthy relationships.

The phrase “wolves in sheep’s clothing” comes from the Bible. In Matthew 7:15, Jesus warns us about such people: “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” This means that some people may look harmless and nice on the outside, but inside they are like wolves, ready to cause harm. This verse reminds us to be cautious and to look beyond appearances to see the true nature of people.

I had a personal experience with a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” when I worked at a big bank. I had a manager who seemed very friendly and supportive when we interacted directly. She would smile, give positive feedback, and act like a great mentor. However, I later discovered that she was saying negative things about me behind my back. This was very hurtful and confusing, especially because she had been so nice to me in person. This kind of behavior is exactly what Jesus warned about.

When you realize that someone is not genuine and is behaving like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, it’s important to protect yourself. Here are some ways to handle these situations:

  1. Be Aware of Their Actions: It’s crucial to pay attention to what people do, not just what they say. Someone might say nice things to your face but act differently when you’re not around. If you notice that their actions do not match their words, it’s a sign to be cautious.

  2. Limit Your Interaction: Once you identify that someone is being deceitful or harmful, it’s wise to limit your interaction with them. You don’t need to completely cut them off, but keeping your distance can help you avoid unnecessary conflicts and protect your own well-being.

  3. Stay Professional: In a work environment, it’s important to remain professional even if someone is being unkind or dishonest. Keep your interactions brief and polite, and focus on doing your job well. This way, you maintain your dignity and avoid giving them more reasons to criticize you.

  4. Seek Support: If you’re dealing with a deceitful person in a professional setting, consider seeking advice or support from trusted colleagues, mentors, or supervisors. They might offer valuable insights or help address the situation in a constructive way.

  5. Trust Your Instincts: Sometimes, your instincts can sense when something is not right. If you feel uncomfortable or uneasy about someone, trust those feelings. It’s often a sign that you need to be cautious.

  6. Don’t Take It Personally: It’s easy to feel hurt when someone is dishonest or two-faced, but try not to take it personally. Their behavior reflects more about them than it does about you. Focus on your own actions and maintain your integrity.

In my experience, knowing how to recognize and deal with such people has helped me maintain a positive and healthy environment. When I understand that someone is pretending to be friendly but is actually harmful, I choose to distance myself and stay reserved around them. This approach has helped me avoid unnecessary drama and stay focused on my own goals.

Remember, not everyone you meet will be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Many people are genuine and kind. However, being aware of this possibility can help you navigate your relationships more wisely. By paying attention to actions, limiting interactions, and staying professional, you can protect yourself and maintain a positive outlook.

In summary, dealing with people who are wolves in sheep’s clothing requires awareness and caution. The Bible verse from Matthew 7:15 serves as a reminder to be careful and not be deceived by appearances. Trust your instincts, limit your interactions with deceitful people, and seek support when needed. By doing so, you can protect yourself from harm and maintain healthy and positive relationships.


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