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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

When COVID-19 first emerged, it felt like something out of a science fiction movie. Many people around the world shared my initial fear and confusion. At first, I thought it might be a surreal or even a hoax. The situation was so new and frightening that it was hard to grasp what was really happening. I remember feeling a deep sense of worry, especially for my mom and other older family members.

The pandemic made me think deeply about our world. I realized that our planet is incredibly crowded, with over 8 billion people living on it. The idea that a tiny virus could affect so many lives was both astonishing and alarming. It made me think about the nature of our world and our place in it.

As the pandemic continued, I began to understand that these kinds of events, while challenging, are not entirely new. The Bible says, “There is nothing new under the sun.” This phrase made me reflect on the idea that no matter how unprecedented something may seem, the world has always faced difficulties and challenges. For many people, including myself, this was a time to rely more on faith rather than just on human knowledge or expertise.

In these uncertain times, I found comfort in my faith. The Bible teaches that God created the heavens and the earth, and He knows everything that happens in our world. When the news was overwhelming and the future seemed uncertain, it was reassuring to remember that God is aware of all things and has a plan.

It's natural to feel afraid when faced with something as significant as a global pandemic. Fear is a common reaction to the unknown. But for me, finding solace in my faith provided a sense of peace. Instead of focusing solely on the alarming reports and the many opinions from experts, I chose to focus on what I believe God says about our world.

Faith doesn't mean ignoring the reality of the situation or the need to follow health guidelines. It means trusting that there is a higher purpose and that we are not alone in facing these challenges. It’s about finding strength and courage through belief. In the midst of fear, faith can offer a different perspective—one that brings hope and reassurance.

When you’re scared or worried, it can be helpful to remember that you are part of a larger story. While we might not understand everything that happens or why, trusting in something greater than ourselves can provide comfort. For many, this is God. For others, it might be a different source of hope or inner strength.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us many things about ourselves and the world. It has reminded us of our vulnerability and our interconnectedness. And for those who have faith, it’s been a time to lean on that faith and find peace in trusting a higher power. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember that it’s okay to seek comfort in whatever you believe in. After all, in times of crisis, our beliefs can be a source of strength and guidance.


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