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Sunday, October 08, 2023

Many people, both women and men, focus heavily on their outer appearance. We see this in the way people choose their clothing, apply makeup, and even select the cars they drive. It’s easy to get caught up in trying to look a certain way, but there’s a deeper truth that often gets overlooked: true beauty comes from within. It’s important to embrace who you are and appreciate the beauty God created in you.

I worked for a bank for many years, and during that time, I saw many people who were preoccupied with their external appearance. They dressed in expensive clothes, drove flashy cars, and often tried to impress others with their wealth. However, I noticed a pattern: many of these people, despite their outward show of success, were struggling financially. Their bank accounts told a different story from the image they were projecting.

What struck me was that focusing so much on outer beauty and material possessions can sometimes mask the true self. When people are overly concerned with how they appear to others, they might neglect what really matters—authenticity, kindness, and being genuine. These qualities are what truly define a person’s character and beauty.

Let’s start by understanding what outer beauty is. Outer beauty refers to the physical appearance of a person. It includes things like fashion, makeup, and the car you drive. Society often places a lot of emphasis on these aspects, leading many to believe that looking good is the most important thing. But is it really?

When people focus only on their appearance, they might miss out on developing their inner qualities. Authenticity is one of the most valuable traits a person can have. Being authentic means being true to yourself, not pretending to be someone you’re not. It means embracing your unique qualities and being honest about who you are. Authenticity builds trust and respect from others because people can sense when someone is genuine.

Kindness is another crucial quality that often gets overshadowed by the pursuit of outer beauty. Kindness involves being compassionate and considerate towards others. It’s about treating people with respect and empathy. When you are kind, you create positive connections with others and make a real difference in their lives. No amount of makeup or designer clothes can replace the warmth and goodness that kindness brings.

Being genuine means being real and sincere in your interactions. It involves showing your true self rather than putting on a façade. Genuine people are relatable and trustworthy because they don’t try to impress others with a false image. They are comfortable in their own skin and focus on building meaningful relationships rather than superficial ones.
During my time working at the bank, I saw many people who were trying to portray a certain image. They wore expensive suits, drove luxury cars, and flaunted their wealth. 

However, behind the scenes, many of them were struggling financially. This contrast between their external appearance and their actual financial situation was often stark. It became clear to me that trying to keep up appearances can be a costly and ultimately empty pursuit.

True beauty is not about how much money you have or how you look on the outside. It’s about the inner qualities that define who you are. When you embrace yourself the way God created you, you focus on what truly matters. You build confidence not from external validation but from understanding and accepting your worth.

Embracing your beauty means acknowledging your strengths and imperfections. It’s about accepting that you are unique and valuable just as you are. Instead of comparing yourself to others or striving to fit a certain image, you should focus on being the best version of yourself. This involves nurturing your inner qualities, such as kindness, honesty, and compassion.

When you prioritize your inner qualities, you will find that your outer appearance becomes less important. People are drawn to those who are genuine and kind, not just those who look good. By cultivating your inner beauty, you create a positive impact on those around you. Your authenticity and kindness will shine through, making you truly beautiful in the eyes of others.

It’s also important to remember that everyone has their own journey. We all have different experiences and challenges that shape who we are. Embracing your beauty means accepting your own story and understanding that it adds to your uniqueness. Don’t let society’s standards of beauty define you. Instead, focus on what makes you special and how you can contribute positively to the world.

Embracing your beauty the way God created you to be involves focusing on inner qualities rather than external appearances. Authenticity, kindness, and being genuine are what truly define beauty. While it’s easy to get caught up in material possessions and outward looks, true beauty comes from within. By accepting and nurturing your inner self, you create a lasting impact that goes beyond just appearances. Embrace who you are, and let your inner beauty shine.


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