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Sunday, December 10, 2023

God is alive. I know this for sure because I have experienced His presence in my life. There have been moments when I prayed for something and God answered my prayers in ways that were beyond my imagination. One of the most significant prayers He answered was my desire to have my own home.

I remember praying and hoping for a place I could call my own. It felt like an impossible dream at times. There were many challenges and obstacles, but I kept my faith and continued to pray. Eventually, through a series of events that could only be described as divine intervention, I was able to get my own home. This experience strengthened my belief that God listens to our prayers and answers them in His perfect timing.

However, not all my prayers were answered the way I wanted. There were times when I asked for things that I thought were good for me, but God did not grant them. At first, this was hard to understand and accept. But as time passed, I realized that those unanswered prayers were actually blessings in disguise. God knew what was best for me, even when I didn't. He protected me from situations and choices that could have harmed me. Looking back, I can see His wisdom and care in those moments.

I encourage you to believe in God. I understand that life can be tough and filled with hardships. There are times when it feels like our problems are too big to handle and that no one understands what we are going through. But God knows. He sees every struggle and every tear. He is aware of the pain and the difficulties we face. More importantly, He knows how to help us through them.

It is important to trust in Him, even when things don't make sense. Faith is not always easy, especially during tough times. But it is during these times that our faith can grow stronger. Believing in God means trusting that He has a plan for us and that He is working everything out for our good, even when we can't see it.
I have learned that God's ways are higher than our ways. He sees the bigger picture that we cannot. When we surrender our worries and fears to Him, we can find peace and comfort knowing that He is in control. He promises to be with us always, guiding us and giving us strength.

If you are going through a difficult time, I encourage you to pray and seek God. Talk to Him about your fears and your needs. Be honest and open with Him. And then, trust that He hears you and that He cares for you deeply.

God is alive, and He is always working in our lives, even when we don't realize it. Keep your faith and hold on to the hope that God is with you. He loves you more than you can imagine and wants the best for you. Believe in Him, and you will see His hand at work in your life.


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