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Friday, August 30, 2024

In some parts of China, people still eat dogs. This practice is cruel and needs to stop. Dogs are not food; they are loyal companions and faithful friends. The Bible teaches us to treat all of God's creatures with kindness and respect.

Why Dogs Are Not Food

Dogs have been our companions for thousands of years. They are loyal, loving, and protective. They bring joy to our lives and help us in many ways, like guiding the blind and comforting the sick. Eating dogs is not only cruel but also goes against the bond we share with them.

The Bible's Wisdom on Kindness to Animals

The Bible teaches us to care for and respect all of God's creations. In Proverbs 12:10, it says, "The righteous care for the needs of their animals." This means that good people take care of animals and treat them with kindness.

In Genesis 1:26, God gave humans dominion over animals. This means we have a responsibility to protect and care for them, not to harm them. Dogs, like all animals, are part of God's creation, and we must treat them with love and respect.

Ending Dog Cruelty

To end the cruelty of eating dogs, we need to raise awareness and educate others. We can share the message that dogs are friends, not food. By spreading the word and standing up for animals, we can make a difference.

Let's follow the teachings of the Bible and show kindness to all of God's creatures. Dogs are our loyal companions, and they deserve our love and protection. Together, we can help end this cruel practice and create a world where all animals are treated with the respect they deserve.

By spreading this message, we can encourage others to see dogs as the loving companions they are and work towards ending the practice of eating them.


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