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Sunday, August 23, 2020

If you're a Christian, you've probably heard the phrase "hate the sin but love the sinner." The saying refers to how we should treat people who are sinners. It's meant to encourage us to be kind and loving towards people who have done bad things—even if those bad things are very serious.

People often talk about hating the sin but loving the sinner.

Hate the sin, love the sinner. This is a popular phrase used to express disapproval of someone's actions without hating them as a person.

While it may sound like an easy concept, when you're caught up in the moment and feel angry, hurt or offended by someone else's behavior this can be difficult to remember. In fact, it can be easier just to hate that person and forget about loving them at all—especially if they've done something really offensive or hurtful.

Don't hate your whole self if you do something bad

"Hate the sin, not the sinner" is a popular saying that means it's important to recognize that people are more than their mistakes. You shouldn't let one mistake define who you are and stop yourself from growing. This phrase is often used in religious contexts, but it can also apply to relationships with friends and family members.

If you've done something terrible or hurtful, don't tell yourself that you're a bad person—that's not true! Even if your actions were wrong or mean-spirited, they don't define who you are as a person or what kind of relationship you have with others. 

Don't let your mistakes define how others see you either; instead of pushing people away by being defensive about what happened in the past, focus on moving forward together in the present and future so that everyone feels good about themselves again (even if there is still some tension).


So, don't let people tell you that you should hate your whole self if you do something bad. Remember that your soul and heart are what truly matter, and as long as they are good then there is no reason for anyone to hate them!