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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Satan is a real person, and he's been trying to mess with us since the beginning of time. His goal is to get us to sin so that we can't get into heaven. When you sin, you're no longer aligned with God's will for your life (1 John 3:4). The more sins you commit—the bigger they are—the further away from God you get. But don't worry! There are ways for believers to fight back against Satan and make sure he doesn't win this war between good versus evil.

Put on your armor.

There's an old saying that goes, "No battle plan survives contact with the enemy."

If you know your enemy, it will help you to avoid many traps and pitfalls. If you don't know your enemy, then it's not likely that you'll win any battles. In fact, it might be impossible for you even to fight back effectively when attacked by the enemy.

The apostle Paul warned Christians about satan's tactics: "We do not wrestle against flesh and blood," he wrote (Ephesians 6:12). "Rather, we wrestle against wicked rulers, against authorities...and against powers" (6:12–13). We must understand these demonic forces if we hope to stand firm in Christ against them. Don't be fooled by their human agents; they are not flesh-and-blood people like us who possess only physical strength but rather spiritual beings with supernatural power at their disposal!

Put God first in your life to help you avoid temptations and sin.

If you want to resist temptation and put an end to satan's attacks, then you must put God first in your life. It's not just a good idea—it is the law! Satan can only harass people who are not living for God.

Put your trust in Him. He will give you the strength and courage needed to fight against evil. He will also provide the tools and resources necessary for victory!

Develop an attitude of gratitude (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

God has done so much for you, and Satan would love nothing more than to keep you from remembering that. But when we’re constantly aware of God’s blessings, it becomes much harder for the devil to put thoughts into our minds.

If you want to avoid temptation, try writing down three things every day that you are grateful for. This will remind yourself how much God loves you—and it will also prove that he is able to provide everything that you need (Philippians 4:19).

Satan will try to mess with you in subtle ways. Resist him, stay alert, and you'll be fine.

Satan is powerful and deceptive. He can trick you into thinking that he's your friend or that he'll never hurt you. But he does hurt people, and he will try to make you think that it's okay for him to be in your life.

Satan may tempt you with thoughts of violence or suicide, but God loves you so much more than Satan ever will! And if you resist those temptations and stay alert, then I promise that there's nothing bad enough that Satan could do to harm you. You're going to be fine!


We all have to face the fact that there will be times when we have to fight satan. It's part of living in this world, and it's something everyone experiences at some point in their life. How you handle these situations can determine how successful you are in life; by following these steps, you'll be able to beat back the devil and stay on track with your goals without letting him get under your skin.


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