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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Being single doesn't have to be depressing. Once you understand how God created you, you'll be able to live a life that's truly filled with contentment and joy. You just need to put aside the things that don't matter and focus on what really matters—God.

Let go of what you thought your life would look like.

In our culture, we're taught that there are three stages of life: single, married, and then death. We grow up learning about these ages and what they should be like—especially for women. While many people change their lifestyle after marriage or after getting a job promotion or moving into a bigger home, the general assumption is that things will never be the same again.

But God doesn't want you to live with regret over not living up to someone else's expectations for how happy your life should be at this moment in time! He wants you to embrace being content with who He made you and where He's placed you now so that when He does give more (whether it's soon or later), it will lead to greater joy!

Don't settle for less.

You deserve a relationship that is meaningful, strong and fulfilling. You deserve someone who will be honest and trustworthy with you. You deserve to be treated like a queen or king by your significant other.

Don't settle for less than what God has for you!

Learn to be alone and enjoy it.

You can be content as a single person, but you need to learn how to enjoy your own company. God wants you to be happy by yourself, so if you're content with being alone, he'll bless that. You don't have to find somebody else just so that you will be happy and fulfilled again. Being content with yourself can lead to other good things as well:

  • You won't waste time waiting around for someone who doesn't want or love you back

  • It's easier for people in relationships because they know where their partner is at all times (or at least they should), but the single person has no one else's schedule or life events dictating what they do or when they do it. As a result, they have more freedom in their lives than those who are coupled up and committed elsewhere!

Live a life that's not focused on the future.

  • Live in the present. You’re young, you have great life experiences ahead of you. Don’t worry about what will happen in the future. Focus on this moment and enjoy yourself while you can!

  • Think about what God wants for your life. This is a good way to stay focused on what matters most instead of daydreaming about your ideal partner or living situation. When we focus too much on ourselves and our desires, it becomes difficult to be content with the circumstances we find ourselves in now—especially when those circumstances don't seem like they're going to change any time soon (or ever).

Think about what God wants for you rather than what you want.

He wants you to be happy, but not necessarily through a relationship. He wants you to be content, but not necessarily in the way that makes sense for your own ambitions. Think about what God's plans are for your life and let that guide your decisions:

  • If there is someone special out there who will make them happy, then let them find each other

  • Don't force a relationship where it doesn't feel right

  • Give yourself time and space away from dating if it feels like too much pressure


So, if you're single and feeling like there's something missing in your life, remember that God's got your back. He wants to help you find fulfillment through being content with who you are—not with someone else. The key is to let go of what you thought your life would look like and focus on what God wants for you instead! It may take some time for this new perspective to sink in, but keep at it until it does because there's nothing more rewarding than living a life that's not focused on the future but on today instead.


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