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Sunday, June 23, 2024


Every year in June in the city of Yulin, China, a festival takes place that many people find controversial. This event is known as the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. It usually happens in June and lasts for about ten days. During this time, thousands of dogs are killed and eaten.

The Tradition

The Yulin Dog Meat Festival started in 2009. Some people in China believe that eating dog meat brings good luck and good health. They think it helps them stay cool during the hot summer. In Chinese culture, eating dog meat is a tradition that dates back centuries. However, it is not something that all Chinese people agree with or participate in. In fact, many people in China are against it.

The Controversy

The festival has sparked a lot of debates and protests. Animal lovers and activists around the world, including in China, argue that the festival is cruel and inhumane. They point out that the conditions in which the dogs are kept and killed are often terrible. Many of these dogs are stolen pets or strays taken off the streets.

The Fight for Change

Thanks to the hard work of animal advocates, there has been some progress. Each year, fewer dogs are killed during the festival. More and more people in China are speaking out against the practice. Some cities have even started to ban the sale of dog meat.

A Global Effort

The fight to end the Yulin Dog Meat Festival is a global effort. People from different countries are working together to raise awareness and push for change. They believe that all animals deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.

Bottom Line

The Yulin Dog Meat Festival is a complex issue with deep cultural roots. While it is important to respect different traditions, it is also important to stand up against cruelty. As more people learn about the festival, there is hope that one day, it will become a thing of the past.

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