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Monday, July 29, 2024


I started my YouTube channel because I am a huge dog lover. I care deeply about dogs and it breaks my heart to see them abandoned, abused, or neglected. In some places, dogs are even used as food instead of being treated as pets, and this makes me very upset.

My channel is also a way to honor my beloved Schnauzers, Sonny and Inday. I had one Kitty named Ginger. When Sonny, Inday, and Ginger passed away, I was devastated. I realized how important it is to feed our pets healthy food, just like people need good nutrition. Sonny had diabetes and I had to give him insulin shots twice a day, which was very painful for both of us.

Through my channel, I want to raise awareness about pet wellness and advocate for animals. I hope to share what I've learned and help other pet owners provide the best care for their furry friends.

Caring for your animals is incredibly important. They rely on us for their well-being, and how we treat them reflects our compassion. God knows how we care for His creatures, and it’s our responsibility to ensure they live happy, healthy lives. Through my channel, I hope to share what I've learned and advocate for better animal care, helping others provide the best for their furry friends.


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