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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

I remember when my business ideas first began. It all started when I was working as an international flight attendant. I used to spend long hours flying from one country to another, and during those night flights, when most passengers were asleep, I had time to reflect. I would sit at the back of the plane, look up at the heavens, and pray to God. I prayed for Him to guide me to my life's purpose.

I knew I was meant for more than just flying. While I enjoyed traveling and meeting people from different cultures, there was something missing. Deep inside, I felt a calling to do something more meaningful, something that aligned with my passion and values. That is why I turned to God for answers.

The Power of Prayer

When I prayed during those quiet flights, I didn’t expect instant answers. I was patient, trusting that in time, God would show me the way. Prayer is powerful because it allows you to open your heart and soul to God. It’s a moment of vulnerability where you ask for guidance, wisdom, and strength.

In my case, I didn’t hear a booming voice from the sky or receive a sudden, clear direction. Instead, I began to feel a sense of peace. I knew that God was listening, and that He would guide me when the time was right. That peace was the first sign that God was at work.

A New Journey: Writing a Book

After praying consistently, ideas began to flow. One of the first clear directions I received was to write. I had always loved writing, and I felt inspired to put my thoughts down on paper. I didn’t know what the end result would be, but I trusted that God was leading me.

Writing became my way of expressing my thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It was like therapy for my soul. Soon, those writings turned into the foundation for my first book. I knew that this was not just a hobby—it was part of my purpose. God had answered my prayers by giving me the inspiration and clarity I needed to start something meaningful.

Turning Passion into a Pet Business

But the journey didn’t stop with writing. As time passed, another idea began to form. I had always been passionate about animals, especially dogs and cats. My love for animals led me to think about how I could help people take better care of their pets. That’s when the idea of starting a pet food business came to mind.

It was a leap of faith, but I knew that God was guiding me. I prayed about the idea and once again, I felt peace. That peace was confirmation that I was on the right path. I began to research, plan, and eventually, I launched my pet business. It was a brand dedicated to providing organic and holistic food for pets, something I believed in deeply. The business was not just about selling products; it was about helping pet owners give their furry friends a healthier, happier life.

Why Start with Prayer?

Before you start any business or project, it’s important to involve God in your plans. Why? Because He knows the bigger picture. When you share your ideas and dreams with God, He gives you the wisdom and guidance you need to make the right decisions. You may not get an answer right away, but if you’re patient and trust Him, He will show you the way.

Starting with prayer also brings peace. In my own experience, I knew God had answered my prayers when I felt a deep sense of calm. That peace is something only God can provide, and it’s a sign that you are moving in the right direction. When you have peace, you can face challenges with confidence, knowing that God is with you.

Steps to Start Your Own Journey

  1. Pray and Ask for Guidance – Start by praying and asking God to show you your purpose. Be open and honest with Him about your dreams and ideas. Ask for His wisdom and direction.

  2. Listen for Peace – After you pray, be patient and listen. You may not get an answer right away, but pay attention to the feelings in your heart. If you feel peace about a certain direction, that could be God’s way of confirming your path.

  3. Take Action on Your Ideas – Once you feel that peace, start taking steps toward your goal. Whether it’s writing, starting a business, or pursuing a passion, don’t be afraid to act on the inspiration you’ve received.

  4. Trust the Process – The journey may not always be smooth, but trust that God is guiding you every step of the way. He will open doors and provide opportunities when the time is right.

  5. Keep Praying – Continue to pray throughout your journey. Ask God to give you strength during difficult times and to bless your efforts. Prayer is not a one-time thing—it’s a constant communication with God.

A Call to Action: Share Your Journey

I encourage you to start your journey today. Whether you’re thinking about starting a business, writing a book, or pursuing a passion, take it to God first. Share your ideas with Him and ask for His guidance. You’ll be amazed at how He will work in your life.

If you’ve already started your journey, I’d love to hear about it. What ideas has God placed on your heart? How has prayer helped you find direction and peace? Share your story with others, and let’s encourage each other to follow God’s plan for our lives.

Feel free to reach out if you need advice or want to share your journey. Together, we can inspire each other to live out our God-given purpose. And remember, every great journey starts with a prayer. You don’t need to have everything figured out—just take it one step at a time, trusting that God will lead you to where you need to be.


Looking back, I see how prayer played a critical role in my journey from a flight attendant to a business owner. It started with a simple prayer during those long flights, asking God for guidance. That prayer led me to write a book and start a business, both of which are fulfilling and aligned with my purpose.

God is ready to guide you, too. All you need to do is ask. Take the first step today—pray and share your dreams with God. Let Him lead you on the path to fulfilling your purpose, and remember, you’ll know He’s answered when you feel His peace.

Let’s take this journey together, with faith and trust in God’s plan for our lives.


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Embark on a journey with me where faith, Filipino food, organic pet food, and journaling intersect. Discover insightful perspectives, practical tips, and inspiring stories. Follow my blog to stay connected and inspired! Feel free to share my blog with others who might enjoy it!

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