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Sunday, September 06, 2020

Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck in your prayer life? Maybe you don’t know where to start, you don’t know what to say, or you just feel totally lost. It’s absolutely normal to feel this way, but part of being a Christ-follower is getting to know Him on a deeper level, which comes through prayer. 

In I Thessalonians, we are called to rejoice always, pray constantly, and give thanks in everything, because it’s God’s will for us. It’s about as straightforward as it gets – to honor the Lord, we must pray.

Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (I Thessalonians 5:16-18 CSB)

If you don’t know where to start, then these prompts can guide you through different ways to pray for your community, your family and friends, and your own life in ways you may not have considered. 

As you pray through the list, include other specific areas that need prayer in your own life and community, and keep growing. And of course, ask God to guide you every step of the way.

Pray for your family and your home.
Pray for your spouse (or future spouse).
Pray for your extended family and friends.
Pray for the health of your family, community, the nation, and the world during this time – and always.
Pray about something you need to confess right now.
Pray about someone you are having a hard time loving right now.
Pray for the frontline workers that are keeping communities safe right now.
Pray for schools in your community, teachers, administration, and the students.
Pray for your church, church leadership, and the congregation as a whole.
Pray for other churches and leadership in your community.
Pray for those in your life that you know are going through a hard time right now.
Pray over a big decision you are facing in your life and ask the Lord for guidance.
Pray for our government and political leaders.
Pray for boldness to share the message of God’s love with someone today.
Pray for a fruit of the Spirit that you would like to grow into.
Pray over a situation that you need to seek forgiveness in.
Pray over a fear that you need to face today with God’s strength.

God bless you!


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